Thursday, February 29, 2024

AI in My Time of Need


AI in My Time of Need

Not having any inspiration that merited a 300-word blog entry dealing with words, I did what any self-respecting student would do: either copy and paste something from Wikipedia or go straight to AI Chat or a comparable website. First, though,I asked AI Chat, “Is there anything wrong with asking you to write a story for me?”

Here's part of AI’s answer: There is nothing inherently wrong with asking someone to write a story for you. However, it is important to consider the time and effort that goes into writing a story, and it is courteous to compensate the writer for their work if you are requesting a custom story.

I didn’t find this especially compelling so I thought I’d try a different tack altogether, and asked if it knew who the legendary Portuguese explore Vasco da Gama was, and if he’d vote for Donald Trump as president. Here’s the response:

Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who was the first European to reach India by sea. He was born in the late 15th century and is known for his groundbreaking voyage around the Cape of Good Hope to the east coast of Africa and then on to India. It is impossible to say definitively whether da Gama would have voted for Donald Trump, as it is purely speculative and based on personal opinions and beliefs. Since da Gama lived centuries before Trump and in a different cultural and historical context, it is unlikely he would have had the opportunity to participate in modern American politics.

Then, the story. I was impressed that AI delivered a coherent piece of 301 words. I cut one word to match the spirit of this blog. So here, following my 300 words (admittedly padded with AI’s help), are another 300—exactly—courtesy of AI.

In the bustling city of Verboten, words were a rare and precious commodity. They were kept locked away in a grand library, guarded by the esteemed Wordkeeper. Only those deemed worthy could enter its hallowed halls and partake in the knowledge and power that words held.

One day, a young girl named Nova stumbled upon the library by accident. Intrigued by the magnificent structure and the whispers of stories and wisdom that emanated from within, she begged the guards to let her in. Reluctantly, they agreed, sensing something special about her.

As Nova wandered through the aisles filled with books of every color and size, she was overcome with a sense of wonder and awe. She had never experienced the magic of words before, and she was determined to learn all that she could.

The Wordkeeper took notice of Nova's insatiable thirst for knowledge and decided to take her under his wing. He taught her the power of words, how they could inspire, educate, and bring people together. Nova soaked up every lesson, her heart swelling with the beauty of language and expression.

Nova became known throughout the city for her eloquence and wit. People would gather in the town square to hear her speak, hanging on her every word as she painted vivid pictures with her language.

And so, the once-silent city of Verboten was transformed by Nova's words. They brought joy, unity, and understanding to its inhabitants, showing them the power and magic that lay within every syllable and phrase.

And as Nova stood in the town square, surrounded by the people she had touched with her words, she knew that she had found her true calling – to share the gift of language with the world and bring light to even the darkest corners of the human heart.

 [600 words]

Sorry, my mistake

  Sorry, My Mistake Before it slips even farther into the past, let’s revisit the experience of Tom Craig at the Paris Olympics. He was a ...